Water – Back to Basics for Thermal Cycling

Hydrocycler2Updated : Mon, September 19, 2022 @ 2:20 PM

It’s time to forget what you know about heating your PCR plates for end-point PCR. Water is the way to go. Where cooling and heating speeds in traditional Peltier-based thermal cyclers rely on ramping the temperature of a metal block up and down, the new Hydrocycler2™ - unveiled by LGC at both PAG and SLAS2017 this past month - only needs approximately three seconds to move reaction plates to the next water bath – and it’s all automated. This translates into 44% reduction with KASP chemistry and protocol. The water bath approach also allows the Hydrocycler2 to hold temperatures more accurately with little plate to plate variation. These features lead to precision control and elimination of edge effect. ±

Not only does this automated water bath approach lead to higher throughput, but also higher data quality compared to standard thermal cyclers. Water bath systems such as the Hydrocycler2 also are far more energy efficient relative to Peltier-based thermal cyclers. They generate very little heat – which in turn eliminates the need for any type of special air-conditioned environment.

Not only does the new Hydrocycler2 take up less space, but it also brings about reduced setup costs and easier service. Combing throughput, efficiency and robust design to offer an effective alternative to traditional Peltier-based thermal cyclers, all while allowing labs to process more than 145,000 samples in an eight-hour day, only further showcases the Hydrocyclers enticing draw.

To learn more about the new Hydrocycler2 click here.


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